1. November 2021

Experience Talks 11.2021

You can look forward to inspirational topics divided into two blocks:

Do you know how to map, know and understand relationships in the workplace? Do you know how to find out who your key people, internal influencers in the company are and with whom they have the strongest relationship? How to ensure that important management information reaches all employees and informal paths? Alternatively, who is the employee who is most hampering your efforts for your corporate culture or the ongoing change management? The lecture on social network analysis will offer an objective mathematical way to reliably measure this impact and at the same time reveal a view of the organization like no survey of satisfaction or engagement.

Ján Uriga is a persistent creative with a sense of humor, which is manifested mainly by the fact that he brings simplicity, playfulness, and often unconventional elements in solving client problems. He regularly declares war on routine activities and often defeats them. He likes to combine the results of basic research in the human sciences (especially psychology, where I obtained a Ph.D. in social intelligence research leaders) with modern trends in the industry, supplemented by good analytical input. It occurs most often in projects related to the introduction of innovations, change in corporate culture, management, and implementation of strategic changes. He also deals with the application of behavioral economics in the practice of companies in the form of programs for the development of customer and employee experience. He gained experience working in the Bratislava self-government, in a multinational IT company, and for the last 12 years by working in the management structures of consulting companies – the so-called Big 4 – on global projects.


An employer branding strategy and activities we work with a number of communication models, but we often forget one of the most important – internal influencers and ambassadors have the power to credibly and attractive introduce our employer brand, activate internal processes, or help realize and fulfill changes and management visions in teams across the organization. How do identify internal influencers, how to work with them, and which common mistakes or risks to watch out for? We will talk about this together at Experience Talks.

Oliver Jakubík studied a mix of humanities and already during his university studies he started working as a salesman and sales manager. He later held top sales and management positions, where he successfully led strategy and sales teams from 5 to 120 employees. Since 2008, together with a team of lecturers and consultants, he has been helping companies, managers, and entrepreneurs in the field of personal development and development of the employer’s brand (HR marketing / Employer branding), within his own consulting company.

  • Date 10. 11. 2021, 9.00 – 11.30
  • Venue: HubHub Bratislava + ONLINE